USE [SAIB_Remttance] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[Get_PromotionData_Modules] Script Date: 2/17/2025 3:11:11 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Get_PromotionData_Modules] @PromotionID int = 0, @ProcedureType int = 0, -- 0 for Select, 1 for update, 2 for Insert and 3 for Delete @ViewType int = 0, -- 0 for View, 1 for Process @Filter nvarchar(max) = null, @Script nvarchar(max) = null output AS set nocount on BEGIN create table #tempdetailstable ( PromotionId int, PromotionDesp nvarchar(100), PromotionType char(1), PromotionValue varchar(50), MainActive bit, PromotionTypeID int, PromotionTypeDesp nvarchar(50), Value1 nvarchar(50), Value2 nvarchar(50), DltActive bit, CREATEDDATE datetime, EnteredBy nvarchar(50), UPDATEDDATE datetime, UpdatedBy nvarchar(50), PromotionStatus varchar(10)) create table #tempdetailstable1 ( PromotionId int, PromotionDesp nvarchar(100), PromotionType char(1), PromotionValue varchar(50), MainActive bit, MinAmt nvarchar(50), Partnercode nvarchar(50), PaymentMode nvarchar(50), PromoCode nvarchar(50), proCIF nvarchar(50), ReceiveAgent nvarchar(50), Currency nvarchar(10), Country nvarchar(10), Segment nvarchar(20), CustType nvarchar(10), ProStartDate nvarchar(10), ProEndDate nvarchar(10), MaxAmt nvarchar(50), CREATEDDATE datetime, EnteredBy nvarchar(50), UPDATEDDATE datetime, UpdatedBy nvarchar(50), PromotionStatus varchar(10) ) DECLARE @CurrentID INT DECLARE @MaxID INT if (@PromotionID=0) Begin INSERT INTO #tempdetailstable(PromotionId,PromotionDesp,PromotionType,PromotionValue,MainActive,PromotionTypeID,PromotionTypeDesp, Value1,Value2,DltActive,CREATEDDATE,EnteredBy,UPDATEDDATE,UpdatedBy,PromotionStatus)( select Distinct A.PromotionID as PromotionID,A.PromotionDesp as PromotionDesp, A.PromotionType,A.PromotionValue,A.Active as MainActive,'' as PromoTypeID,'' as PromotionTypeDesp, '' as Value1,'' as Value2, '' as DltActive,A.CREATEDDATE,A.EnteredBy,A.UPDATEDDATE,A.UpdatedBy,A.Promotion_Status from tbl_PromotionMasterMain A Left outer join tbl_PromotionMasterDetails B on A.PromotionID = B.PromotionID Union select Distinct B.PromotionID,'' as PromotionDesp,'' as PromotionType,'' as PromotionValue,'' as MainActive, B.PromoTypeID,PromoTypeDesp as PromotionTypeDesp, B.Value1,B.Value2,B.Active as DltActive,A.CREATEDDATE,A.EnteredBy,A.UPDATEDDATE,A.UpdatedBy,'' as Promotion_Status from tbl_PromotionMasterMain A Left outer join tbl_PromotionMasterDetails B on A.PromotionID = B.PromotionID) insert into #tempdetailstable1(PromotionId,PromotionDesp,PromotionType,PromotionValue,MainActive,CREATEDDATE,EnteredBy,UPDATEDDATE,UpdatedBy,PromotionStatus) select PromotionId,PromotionDesp,PromotionType,PromotionValue,MainActive,CREATEDDATE,EnteredBy,UPDATEDDATE,UpdatedBy,PromotionStatus from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=0 SELECT @CurrentID = MIN(PromotionId), @MaxID = MAX(PromotionId) FROM #tempdetailstable1 WHILE @CurrentID <= @MaxID BEGIN -- Update the row in the table for the current PromotionID UPDATE #tempdetailstable1 SET MinAmt = (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=16 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), Partnercode = (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=15 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), PaymentMode = (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=14 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), PromoCode = (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=13 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), proCIF = (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=12 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), ReceiveAgent= (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=11 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), Currency= (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=10 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), Country= (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=9 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), Segment = (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=8 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), CustType= (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=7 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), ProStartDate= (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=6 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), ProEndDate = (select Value2 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=6 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), MaxAmt= (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=5 and PromotionId=@CurrentID) WHERE PromotionID = @CurrentID -- Move to the next ID SET @CurrentID = @CurrentID + 1 END select PromotionId, PromotionDesp, PromotionType, PromotionValue, MainActive, MinAmt, Partnercode, PaymentMode, PromoCode, proCIF, Case ReceiveAgent when '-1' then 'All Receive Agent' when NULL then NULL when 'None' then 'None' else (select Agent_Name from tbl_agent_details where Agent_ID=ReceiveAgent) end as ReceiveAgent, Currency, case Country when null then null when 'None' then 'None' else (select CountryName from tbl_04_08_Country_Details where CountryShortName=Country) end as Country , case Segment when null then null when '0' then '0' else (select ProductTypeName from tblproducttype where ProductType=Segment) end as Segment, case CustType when '1' then 'EasyPay' when '2' then 'SAIB' when '3' then 'SAIB Staff' when '4' then 'Virgin Mobile' when '0' then 'None' Else CustType end as CustType, ProStartDate, ProEndDate, MaxAmt, CREATEDDATE, EnteredBy, UPDATEDDATE, UpdatedBy, PromotionStatus from #tempdetailstable1 order by PromotionId asc End Else Begin INSERT INTO #tempdetailstable(PromotionId,PromotionDesp,PromotionType,PromotionValue,MainActive,PromotionTypeID,PromotionTypeDesp, Value1,Value2,DltActive,CREATEDDATE,EnteredBy,UPDATEDDATE,UpdatedBy,PromotionStatus)( select Distinct A.PromotionID as PromotionID,A.PromotionDesp as PromotionDesp, A.PromotionType,A.PromotionValue,A.Active as MainActive,'' as PromoTypeID,'' as PromotionTypeDesp, '' as Value1,'' as Value2, '' as DltActive,A.CREATEDDATE,A.EnteredBy,A.UPDATEDDATE,A.UpdatedBy,A.Promotion_Status from tbl_PromotionMasterMain A Left outer join tbl_PromotionMasterDetails B on A.PromotionID = B.PromotionID where A.PromotionID=@PromotionID Union select Distinct B.PromotionID,'' as PromotionDesp,'' as PromotionType,'' as PromotionValue,'' as MainActive, B.PromoTypeID,PromoTypeDesp as PromotionTypeDesp, B.Value1,B.Value2,B.Active as DltActive,A.CREATEDDATE,A.EnteredBy,A.UPDATEDDATE,A.UpdatedBy, '' as Promotion_Status from tbl_PromotionMasterMain A Left outer join tbl_PromotionMasterDetails B on A.PromotionID = B.PromotionID where A.PromotionID=@PromotionID) insert into #tempdetailstable1(PromotionId,PromotionDesp,PromotionType,PromotionValue,MainActive,CREATEDDATE,EnteredBy,UPDATEDDATE,UpdatedBy,PromotionStatus) select PromotionId,PromotionDesp,PromotionType,PromotionValue,MainActive,CREATEDDATE,EnteredBy,UPDATEDDATE,UpdatedBy,PromotionStatus from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=0 SELECT @CurrentID = MIN(PromotionId), @MaxID = MAX(PromotionId) FROM #tempdetailstable1 WHILE @CurrentID <= @MaxID BEGIN -- Update the row in the table for the current PromotionID UPDATE #tempdetailstable1 SET MinAmt = (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=16 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), Partnercode = (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=15 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), PaymentMode = (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=14 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), PromoCode = (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=13 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), proCIF = (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=12 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), ReceiveAgent= (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=11 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), Currency= (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=10 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), Country= (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=9 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), Segment = (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=8 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), CustType= (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=7 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), ProStartDate= (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=6 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), ProEndDate = (select Value2 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=6 and PromotionId=@CurrentID), MaxAmt= (select Value1 from #tempdetailstable where PromotionTypeID=5 and PromotionId=@CurrentID) WHERE PromotionID = @CurrentID -- Move to the next ID SET @CurrentID = @CurrentID + 1 END select PromotionId, PromotionDesp, PromotionType, PromotionValue, MainActive, MinAmt, Partnercode, PaymentMode, PromoCode, proCIF, Case ReceiveAgent when '-1' then 'All Receive Agent' when NULL then NULL when 'None' then 'None' else (select Agent_Name from tbl_agent_details where Agent_ID=ReceiveAgent) end as ReceiveAgent, Currency, case Country when null then null when 'None' then 'None' else (select CountryName from tbl_04_08_Country_Details where CountryShortName=Country) end as Country , case Segment when null then null when '0' then '0' else (select ProductTypeName from tblproducttype where ProductType=Segment) end as Segment, case CustType when '1' then 'EasyPay' when '2' then 'SAIB' when '3' then 'SAIB Staff' when '4' then 'Virgin Mobile' when '0' then 'None' Else CustType end as CustType, ProStartDate, ProEndDate, MaxAmt, CREATEDDATE, EnteredBy, UPDATEDDATE, UpdatedBy, PromotionStatus from #tempdetailstable1 order by PromotionId asc End END